a footnote to the photography!
'a peace of pure sky'
...it has become clear along the way that I take a lot of photos of sky - it is one of my primary passions!
I spend a lot of time looking up (a hazardous pastime when I was little!) now, thankfully, I have gained a wee bit more spacial awareness which allows me to see the most spectacular skies, without fear of hurting myself!..
part of the joy is knowing that what I am looking at, is only there for that moment - never to be repeated - a fascination I have long held... such a powerful and magical moment with all its' moods and mysteries, and one which I am now trying to capture...
the first collection I have put together (I have a strong suspicion there may be more to follow!) is named 'a peace of pure sky'... this has evolved into a very popular series of cards... see photo on the home page...
all my photos are taken without complicated wizardry... they are what I call 'raw' photos (what I see, is what ends up on the photograph)... and I hope by sharing what I see, it will encourage others to look up (albeit carefully!)...
the sky is there every day - and it's free!.. it paints pictures... it tells stories... it is our provider and it is our protector... and for me, it gives an unending strength and peace...